Saturday, November 2, 2013

Progress Aplenty

Progress Aplenty

Wow! It has been a crazy long time since we last spoke!  Sorry about that. 
In the meantime, I haven't stopped working... I have an awful lot to update on the To-Do list for my Bedroom.
Here is what it looked like the last time we spoke,
Patch/Paint Ceiling
Strip/Refinish Woodwork
Patch/Paint Walls
Sand/Refinish Floors

Here is where I actually am in the to-do scheme of things.
Patch/Paint Ceiling
Strip/Refinish Woodwork
Patch/Paint Walls
Sand/Refinish Floors
In some ways it feels so close, in others, I worry I will never get to that last step...
That could be because I have hit a bit of a snag in the "sanding" process for the floor.  The floors in this room are Maple, but they have seen decades of tenants and NEED some TLC. 
Now, I know I can't be trusted with a drum sander, it is way to easy to dig through to the first floor, so I thought to myself (and out loud to my family and friends) "I can just use a belt sander.  It is smaller and easier to control... sure it will take a little longer, but the results will be worth it..."
After repeatedly gouging my floor in several places, because as it turns out, I can't be trusted with a belt sander either... I am now in the market for a contractor to do that part for me...
I have no problem admitting that everyone else was right.  Belt-sander=Bad Idea.
I will post pictures of my progress soon. 
Sorry to keep you all out of the loop for so long.
Happy Havenmaking!